Advent Devotional - Love


Advent is a season filled with expectation. It’s a time when we remember the world waiting for a coming Savior, and celebrate the way the world changed when Christ was born. It’s a season filled with the light and love of Jesus, the King, born to save us.

But if we’re being honest, it’s also a season filled with madness. As Christmas approaches, the focus of Advent sometimes gets lost amidst the chaos and craziness that comes with the holiday season.

So to help you focus your attention on the heart be-hind this special season, we’re providing this four-week devotional guide to walk you through Advent. Each week focuses on a specific aspect reflected in the birth of King Jesus—hope, peace, joy, and love.

As you journey through this devotional, take time to think through the questions, spend time in prayer, and make time to participate in the activities that involve your family. Our prayer is that as you turn your eyes to the coming Savior this Christmas season, your hearts will be transformed as you remember the birth of the King who came to save us.

Click here to access this week's devotional.