Our Children's Ministry requires the very best we can offer. It is through our ministry with children that seeds are planted and lives are changed. In Jesus’ words, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” It is our desire that our children’s ministry would break down any barrier that separates a child from experiencing the love of Jesus, and equip them to overcome the Goliath of their day.


If your child is a newborn through Sixth grade, there is an opportunity for them on a Sunday morning at Chapel. Click here for details. 

Safe Sanctuaries

All Teachers, Assistants, Nursery CareGivers, and paid Child Care Providers in our Children’s Ministry must meet the requirements of our church’s “Safe Sanctuaries Policy” which includes, but is not limited to, criminal background checks, child abuse history clearances, and annual training events. Please be assured that we have taken every precaution to ensure that your child will be safe and properly cared for while in our Children’s Ministry programs and events.

Serving in the Children's Ministry

  • Sunday School Teacher - Teach Sunday School on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 am. Our teachers interact with the kids in a small group setting, traveling through the Bible over the course of the year. 
  • Sunday School Assistant - Help our main Sunday School teacher with anything he/she needs, and get the chance to hang out with the children in a classroom setting. 
  • Children’s Church - Materials are provided to help volunteers lead a short lesson with the children during a portion of the 10:30 worship service. 

For more information about Chapel's children's ministry program or would like to volunteer, please contact our Children's Ministry Director at 244-6375, Ext 108, or Maria@chapelchurch.org